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Annual Contribution | Single - lesser of 100% of earned income or $7,000.00. Married - $14,000.00 ($7,000.00 for each spouse). Contributions may be tax-deductible if certain eligibility requirements are met. IRA Catch-up contributions will be allowed for individuals who are age 50 or over before the end of each tax year. For the tax year 2025, the catch up amount is $1,000.00. | Single - lesser of 100% of earned income or $7,000.00. Married - $14,000.00 ($7,000.00 for each spouse). Contributions may be tax-deductible if certain eligibility requirements are met. IRA Catch-up contributions will be allowed for individuals who are age 50 or over before the end of each tax year. For the tax year 2025, the catch up amount is $1,000.00. |
Withdrawals | May be taxed as ordinary income. | Tax-free and IRS penalty-free; some restrictions apply.
Contribution Age Limit | No age limit. | No age limit. |
Minimum distribution requirements | Begin the year the IRA Owner reaches age 73. | Not required.
Rollovers | May convert to a Roth IRA; some restrictions apply. May roll over distributions from qualified retirement plans; some restrictions apply. May roll over to another traditional IRA; some restrictions apply. | May roll over to another Roth IRA; some restrictions apply- May roll over distributions from qualified retirement plans; some restrictions apply.
IRS penalty free withdrawals | Yes, penalty exceptions apply, including first-time home purchase and higher education. | Yes, penalty exceptions apply, including first-time home purchase and higher education.
Additional Highlights | Tax deduction based on income levels if covered by employer's retirement plan (or if spouse of plan participant). | Participation is based on income levels.